STX Mounting Rail Distributors
The STX mounting rail distributors are available for either loose-tube, mini-breakout or breakout cables of up to 12 fibres using splice techniques or for fibre optic adaptors using pre-assembled fibre optic links. Fibre optic adaptor types including ST, SC Duplex, SC-RJ, LC Duplex, E2000 and E2000 Compact can be installed in the interchangeable front panel. The installer can flexibly feed the cables from three directions while easily maintaining minimum bending radii using a storage reserve with additional cable retainers. Versions with pre-assembled adaptors are already available for mini-breakout and breakout cables. For loose-tube cables, the distributors are supplied with ready-to-splice, coloured pigtails and cable strain relief.
Mechanical Characteristics
Material: housing: sheet steel, powder coated, light grey RAL 7035
Material: front plate: sheet steel, powder coated, light grey RAL 7035
Material: top hat rail adaptor: Steel sheet nickel plated
Cable entry: cable gland M20 for 5-9 mm
Panel piercings: ST, SC Duplex, SC-RJ, LC Duplex, E2000 Compact
Diemensions in mm: Width: 35
Dimensions in mm: Heigth: 125
Dimensions in mm: Depth: 140
Telegartner: Cable Strain Relief
Telegartner: Cable Strain Relief,
(bar, clamp, screw), only for loose-tube cables and mini-breakout cables
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xE2000 Compact, Singlemode, splice cassette, Pigtails; 12x E9/125, E2000, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xSC Duplex, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM3; 12x G50/125 OM3, SC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 12xE2000, Singlemode, splice cassette, Pigtails; 12x E9/125, E2000, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xST-Duplex, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM3; 12x G50/125 OM3, ST, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xLC Duplex, Singlemode, splice cassette, Pigtails; 12x E9/125, LC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xE2000 Compact, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM2; 12x G50/125 OM2, E2000, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xSC-RJ, Singlemode, splice cassette, Pigtails; 12x E9/125, SC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 12xE2000, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM2; 12x G50/125 OM2, E2000, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
assembled with adaptors and pigtails, with 6xSC Duplex, splice cassette, Pigtails, cable strain relief, 12x G50/125 OM3, SC, coloured, stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xSC Duplex, Singlemode, splice cassette, Pigtails; 12x E9/125, SC, coloured and stripped for splicing; metal housing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xLC Duplex, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM2; 12x G50/125 OM2, LC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xE2000 Compact, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM3; 12x G50/125 OM3, E2000, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX mounting rail distributor
Telegartner: STX mounting rail distributor,
with 6xE2000 Compact APC, splice cassette, pigtails, 12xE9/125 E2000 APC, coloured, stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xSC Duplex, Singlemode, splice cassette, Pigtails; 12x E9/125, SC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xSC-RJ, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM2; 12x G50/125 OM2, SC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 12xE2000, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM3; 12x G50/125 OM3, E2000, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
12xE2000 Compact, ceramic sleeve/plastic housing, Singlemode/Multimode
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xST-Duplex, Singlemode, splice cassette, Pigtails; 12x E9/125, ST, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xSC Duplex, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM2; 12x G50/125 OM2, SC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xLC Duplex, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM3; 12x G50/125 OM3, LC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
12xE2000 comapct, ceramic sleeve/plastic housing, Multimode
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xST-Duplex, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM2; 12x G50/125 OM2, ST, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor
Telegartner: STX Mounting Rail Distributor,
with 6xSC-RJ, Multimode, splice cassette, Pigtails OM3; 12x G50/125 OM3, SC, coloured and stripped for splicing
Product number:
Price on request